Monday, October 3, 2011

Literally chilling in Virginia…

shenandoah valley oct 2011We have been at our friends house in the Shenandoah Valley now for four days and only planned on staying a few days or so but this weather is anything but inviting for us to pack it all up and leave. There was blue sky when we got here and the view out back was wonderful (see photo above). It has been cold and rainy since then however. Today should hopefully be the last day of rain in the area and it supposed to warm up tomorrow.

shenandoah valley rainy dayOur plans for now are to head over to Washington DC tomorrow and walk around the city and bask in the sunshine. We will see if the weather gods permit it. Then we will either head down near Richmond and stay at Pocahontas State Park or drive over to our friends other house in Roanoke and stay a couple of days there.

Today will have us hiding out in the house in the rolling hills of the Shenandoah Valley and researching what we do in DC and whether or not the route to Roanoke is possible for us to get our motorhome there.

Today is also the day in which I plan to get my first haircut since we retired… I know this may sound odd to many of you but when I retired back in March I decided that I wouldn’t get a haircut for six months since I always hated going to get a haircut when I was a working stiff. Then I had the idea that I would donate my hair to locks of love a great organization that helps kids with cancer. However, after reading in detail on their web site they they only take hair that is 10 inches in length I decided I couldn’t wait till it grew that long so today is the day to get the all the hairs cut… man, I know it is going to feel much better after I get it done. 

Today is also a special day as 36 years ago today I married my lovely bride Sharon. Yes I let her steal me from the cradle but we were in love so against all odds of marrying early we took our chances and 36 years ago from today we were married in San Antonio Texas. Man have we come a long ways from those days….

So other than celebrating our anniversary quietly we will be just enjoying our friend here in the valley… The DC anniversary trip will be tomorrow.


  1. Happy Anniversary and wishes for many more happy years together.

  2. Happy Anniversary and many more. Enjoy the haircut, I hated getting mine cut so much that I started doing myself. Just turn on the clippers and done, beard and all, low maintenance.

  3. Happy Anniversary! And hey, get a haircut, would ya!

    Our daughter donated her hair to a similar charity in Canada. She was shaved bald, but in six months she had a lovely head of hair again and had no regrets doing it.

    Nice scenery, too bad the weather sucks!

  4. Have a happy day, and hopefully many many more years together.

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary. I think the weather is supposed to improve even more after today (the 4th) ... might want to wait one more day (if you can) before you venture into DC.

  6. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...not sure which one of the two of you got the better deal!
    Is Sharon going along with you to hold your hand when you get your hair cut?

  7. Happy belated Anniversary.
    Just found your blog and full of good info for us Retiree's.
    Your Haircut story is funny. I too for 26 years had to be neat and trim. I told my wife once I retired I was going to let my hair grow to my belt line and grow a goatee to my belly button. After 4 months it was driving me crazy, hair and goatee and I am back to neat and trim. who would have guessed.

    Just became a follower, look forward to reading your blog posts.

  8. 2nd that happy Belated Anniversary. 36 years now that's long time!

    Hope you'll be posting the before and after haircut pictures. I want to see just how long your hair got in 6 months. If you really hate going to the barber like I do, then you could do what I did. Buy a Flowbee and do it yourself.


  9. Happy Anniversary!!

  10. Thanks for all the congrats... will see if I can get a before and after pic of the haircut soon...
