Birding is the biggest attraction here at the World Birding Center of Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park. The really nice thing about birding is that it doesn’t really take much to become a “birder.” And just because you start looking at birds doesn’t make you what I call a “rabid birder.”
All it takes to be a birder is a pair of binoculars, a field guide to birds, and the desire to watch and enjoy birds anywhere. Some recreational birders (like Sharon) have said that they don't even really need to know what the birds are so a field guide to birds may be optional to those without interest in nomenclature. The rabid birder on the other hand will have all the field guides to birds that are in print. They also own multiple pairs of binoculars, a high zoom capable camera and most importantly a “rabid birder” is a person who will often call the Birding Hot Line to get the locations of all the rare birds in the area. Once a new “lifer bird” (one the birder has never seen before) shows up on the rare bird alert they will drop everything and travel 10’s to 100’s of miles just to see this new lifer bird.
I am somewhere in between… I have one pair of binoculars, two field guides, a mid level point and shoot camera with a 12X zoom and I do keep a life list although it is out of date. Nonetheless this area of the Rio Grand Valley offers the chance to add a few “lifer” birds for me if I am lucky enough to see them. But one bird I always enjoy watching in this area is the endemic Green Jay.
Found only in the southernmost tip of Texas in all of the USA this colorful bird is all decked out in brilliant shades of blues, greens and yellows. Combined with a specially fitted black mask and bib they are truly splendid birds to watch. These normally shy birds are easily attracted to bird feeding stations thus allowing this bird watcher the opportunity to watch them interact not only with each other but also with other species.
I find it very fun to simply watch them hop from branch to branch or to the feeder to chase off a squirrel. They also make many varied sounds as they have a very extensive voice repertoire. This is one bird that I feel should be observed for a long while to really enjoy their antics…
This last photo is for Judy and provides what I think is an appropriate ending… and yes, as you may have noticed it is censored…
MESSAGE TO A READER: Kay and Larry D. that we met at Toledo Bend – if you still read our blog email us – we plan to travel your way this spring and we lost your contact information…