After breakfast we left Delta Downs and after a little over three hours we pulled into RV Haven an RV park in our former hometown. It’s hard to believe we haven't lived here since 2011 when we sold our house and hit the road in March of that year. A lot has changed in this town over the past 8 plus years but we look forward to re-exploring our old haunts and the new businesses that have opened recently.
We had a nice surprise upon our arrival to the park as we received a message that friends we first met in Bryan Texas in the late 1970’s were at our park. These friends we knew in High School and then again in college when we were both living in a 12 by 60 mobile homes. Now some 40 plus years later we are both in mobile homes, albeit the mobile homes are RV’s and our circumstances are much improved. A full circle moment!
We previously visited Marshall and Debbie while we were out west visiting their hometown . They live in the tri-cities area of Washington State and when we visited the first time I think Marshall already had the RV “bug.” A few years later he bought a beautiful 2017 Tiffin Phaeton and they have been on their first extended travel since retiring.
Of course we had to take them around town and show them a few of the sights as well as partake in a few adult beverages. We met up with some other friends at a local eatery called Wings and More and had a great time enjoying our “Big Willies” which are basically a glass of beer on steroids.
They were only here a little over a week and the time sped by. One last place we took them to visit was the Bonfire Memorial. It memorializes the 12 students who died building the annual bonfire prior to a heated rivalry football game with the University of Texas. Marshall also graduated from Texas A&M University and wanted to see this moving memorial of those Aggies who lost heir lives unexpectedly in 1999.
We learned that Marshall and Debbie love RVing as much as we do so goodbyes were a little easier because we know we will likely see them many times on down the road! 

NOTE: We are now in College Station Texas until mid-May…