Sharon flew out to North Carolina several months ago while I stayed in Texas. Now that I have done all I can do with regards to painting our endcap itis time for me to travel to NC to see our new grandbaby.
Our daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and Sharon flew out right away to see our new granddaughter. Here is her story…

Our daughter Katie was due to deliver her second child September 2023. As with her first child I wanted to be with her to help with her recovery and with the care of her newborn. John found a flight for me over a week prior to her due date so I could also help her prepare for the birth. We did this because last time Katie delivered a few days early due to a high blood pressure issue and my flight was after the fact.

Well, no one could predict that Katie would deliver early again due to an emergency situation (this time was an immediate C-section for a placental abruption). Our son in law Brooks was of course with Katie so his parents who were caring for their 2 year old first born, Allie, picked me up at the airport.

I am ever thankful for the great care Katie received as we now have a new granddaughter, Emmy Kate. Upon their homecoming Katie was happy to be home but was quite sore. Emmy, who came early was so tiny yet perfect in every way. Brooks parents, Allie and I were so excited to have them home. Allie was absolutely in love with her new little sister. We were off to a great start!

Brooks parents returned home so my role would be to help with the household chores and helping in any way I could with the baby. I also would help with Allie which was pure joy as she is such a happy, energetic and talkative 2 year old. I immediately volunteered to help with getting Allie up, dressed and ready for the day. How precious were those moments though it did require me setting an alarm for the first time in years. I began a regimen of waking at 6:30 am so I could get myself ready and have my necessary coffee time before the day began.

Katie, Brooks and Emmy were struggling with the adjustment of feedings every two or three hours with limited sleep. Emmy sometimes had fussy moments in the middle of the night when both parents were exhausted so I was their 911 to help hold and settle the baby until she would accept being laid back into her bassinet.

I forgot about how newborns cause everyone to have a lack of sleep. This in turn made me realize I needed sometimes to go to bed at 8 or 9 pm rather than my previous night owl habit. We all may have had our cranky or emotional moments but we all came through it in a combined effort to ensure both Allie and Emmy were happy.

During the week Allie went to her daycare (which she LOVES) and this certainly helped Katie to rest and heal. It also helped all of us tune into Emmy's needs and wants. The weekends were definitely busier but so much fun because Allie includes everyone in her playful exploration of her world. I am in awe of how well she has accepted Emmy although I can tell she can hardly wait until Emmy can run and play with her.

My plan was to stay almost three months which was way too long for both John and I to be away from the motorhome so John elected to join me at the last part of my stay. I really REALLY missed him. Much more than I anticipated so imagine my joy when at last he came to join us. Allie and Emmy both adore him as I do. They love their Poppy.

Not long after John arrived Katie and Brooks made a big decision to build a new home. It was great fun to see the plans and watch as they made design decisions. Exciting times ahead! John had two solid weeks in the new routine before it became time for us to leave this beautiful new family for life on their own.

With all the challenges (we all, except John, got Covid then RSV), me being overtired at times, missing John terribly and changes to my routine, I wouldn't trade this time for anything. The girls may not remember I was with them their first three months but I sure will. It was priceless.