Thursday, October 31, 2024

Taylor Swift made us miss New Orleans…

Morning came quickly because we knew this day would be a long drive. We hoped to stay at one of the state parks near New Orleans next but little did we know Taylor Swift was on tour in New Orleans that weekend and all the sites were taken. As a result, by the time I found a place with space available it meant we needed to drive 210 miles. So, we headed out toward New Orleans. The place we were going to is called Cypress Bayou Casino RV Park, just west of New Orleans and Morgan City, Louisiana.

As mentioned we knew it would be a long drive but little did we know how long it was actually going to be. Lucky for us we had very good traffic going through New Orleans despite the Taylor Swift event. However, as we were leaving New Orleans we hit a traffic jam. Apparently, a wreck ahead on a bridge had closed highway 90 down.

No problem! We figured it would take 15 to 30 minutes and we'd be on our way. We sat for 30 minutes and then the police started routing us through a gas station onto another side road. It took 30 minutes to inch onto the side road and then once we were on it, we didn't move for a good hour to an hour and a half. Once we finally got going on to highway 90 it was apparent what the problem was as there was yet another crash where two cars were practically obliterated due to the damage.

Feeling terrible for the occupants we nonetheless continued on. It certainly put into perspective how little we were actually inconvenienced. We arrived at Cypress Bayou Casino RV Park which had quite a few available sites located at the back end of a parking lot. All were level with full hookups, 50-amp power, picnic tables and free cable. Cost per night with tax was a bit under $25.00 per night.

We did try our luck at the casino the first day we were there and although we had a lot of fun, we didn't exactly make any money. They did give us a couple of free drinks but that's all we had to show for our money when we left.

The next day we drove over to Cypremort Point State Park to see a Louisiana beach. This small park on the Louisiana Coast provided another way for us to see the ocean one more time before heading to Texas. It also had a really nice boardwalk trail that we very much enjoyed.

May be an image of crocodile

The next day we drove over to Burns Point, not knowing for sure what it was, but figured we'd be able to see the ocean from there too. These little country drives through sugar cane fields have been interesting. They're in the process of harvesting the sugar cane in this area and vast fields of sugar cane were either full grown to 10 ft in height or they were just merely stubble after having been cut and harvested. Lots and lots of trucks and tractors towing sugarcane to the processing centers were on the road this trip

Burns Point was a neat little park and actually has an small RV park at the end of it that we didn't even know existed. There's a small fishing pier in the park as well. Although, the park is tiny it was an enjoyable way to spend the day. We even saw a lady catch a 4-ft shark which was quite entertaining.

But alas, our stay at the casino ended and it's time to head over to Betty's RV Park in Abbeville, Louisiana where life will be a party everyday! Look out


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