Friday, December 6, 2024

Fort Clark Springs, Texas

Just before leaving Canyon Lake we checked the weather to see what the forecast had in store for us for our travel west. It looked like our best chance to avoid the rain would be to drive to Brackettville, Texas.

We departed Canyon Lake and we drove to Fort Clark Springs RV Park, a park we have stayed at before. This required us to through San Antonio with a total of 173 mi for the day.

Fort Clark Springs RV Park is an oasis in the middle of the scrubby landscape found in this part of Texas. There is a huge natural spring which pumps out 68° water year-round feeding a small lake/ swimming area.

We were only there for two nights because the rain is in the forecast once again. This time of year cold fronts tend to bring rains and cooler temperatures about every 3 days.

During our stay in Fort Clark Springs, we spent time hiking and birding as that is about all there is to do in this area. There are some nice trails winding along the creek created by the spring. Many large live oaks and pecan trees make up most of the overstory.

Another place we like to bird within the park is at the sewage lagoons. Those who don't know much about birding might find it hard to believe that the best place to see migrating waterfowl is at a local sewage lagoon. This one was no different as there were hundreds of ducks of several species. We sure had fun just watching and taking pictures of them frolicking on the recycled waters.

Yet once again it's time for us to head further west. I just checked the weather and it looks like we're going to have a spell of colder weather with with some rainy weather where we are now. So it looks like our next stop will be Marathon Texas where we'll be there for three nights of what appears to be chili cold weather, but at least it shouldn't be raining.

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