Friday, January 29, 2010

Like a bobcat in a cage...

Lately I have become aware of some subtle changes occurring in my life. I am noticing more detail outside, paying more attention to my surroundings, hearing more sounds, and seeing more in depth colors in the sky and in nature... I began to wonder why this was occurring.  And then it struck me... I am mentally preparing for my life of freedom from the everyday confines of my current life, I am letting go of my current existence. 

Since I have set a date for retirement I have been slowly mentally retiring for some time now.  I first noticed this when I shared my impending retirement with my co-workers.  To which many reacted with jealously while others reacted with curiosity or animosity... more on this another day.  But it wasn't until I shared my future plans with my co-workers that I noticed a shift in how I carried myself when in meetings or in office conversations.  I was suddenly, or seemingly, more respected for my thoughts and ideas. I was also communicating with a more definitive purpose in getting things done to begin the shift of my responsibilities to others. 

So these subtle changes that are occurring are becoming less and less subtle and more and more obvious.  As a result a weight has begun lifting off my shoulders and I have begun to enjoy more the little things in life that were important to me in my early life but that I had been neglecting now for some time.  Now my only problem is my retirement is still a year or so away,  Thus, the day that I will no longer work and will begin the transition form the lifestyle I have now to a completely new one is on hold. As a result I am feeling somewhat trapped in my working existence and more like a bobcat in a zoo pacing mindlessly back and forth and back and forth waiting for the door to the cage to open and be set free...


  1. I know what you mean about how things change when you set the date. I'm experiencing the same things at the office as you describe. I've got a count down on my calendar and when someone comes to me to complain about the boss or some other office foolishness I just turn to my countdown and tell them how many days I have left. Half of them don't believe I'll really do it and the other half wish they could. It certainly makes the importance of things change.--Rod

  2. Yes I understand as I am counting the number of Monday's I have left...

  3. "I was suddenly, or seemingly, more respected for my thoughts and ideas. I was also communicating with a more definitive purpose in getting things done to begin the shift of my responsibilities to others. "

    Buddy, you just lite a bulb in my head. Thank you,

    Believe I will return to work on Monday and get myself on the team to train new people.
