Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sharon’s take on Back to Beautiful Bonita Springs, Florida…

Bonita Beach 001

Bonita Beach 002Our very first winter after Rv’ing only about 6 or 7 months we decided to try a month in Bonita Springs Florida as our winter escape. We really enjoyed it wishing we had booked longer. So this winter when we decided to return, we went ahead and booked two months. So impressed was I the first time around that when people would ask me where I would go if we had to stop RV’ing, I would answer Bonita, Springs Florida! I sure hoped I would feel the same way this time around.

Upon returning our immediate response was joy in finding the weather to be absolutely perfect. It is amazing that just a short way from our last stay in Tampa, it has been a full ten degrees warmer here! And the overcast weather we had been experiencing has become a distant memory. Every day here has been even more glorious than the one before. The traffic is not as bad either and we have entered into full relaxation/vacation mode.

We of course as the first order of business had to return to the nearby beach to see if it also was as we remembered it. Oh my goodness it was gorgeous….more so than my memories. We spent over an hour walking down the beach with waves lapping at our ankles as I choked back tears as the beauty just tugged at my heart. Yep! Bonita Beach 004This is like coming home. I just love it here.

The Happy Hours in the area are very generous in their pricing and last either from 3 to 7 or 4 to 7 depending on the establishment. We remembered Buffalo Chips as a fun place and returned to enjoy some hot wings and nice cold beers along with free popcorn. Our neighbors in the park have promised there are several more fun places we missed the first time around so we are looking forward to exploring those with our new friends. It has been another plus that this park is among the friendliest we have ever stayed in.

Bonita Beach 006Continuing our walk down memory lane, we went to our favorite Saturday Farmer’s Market in town and although it changed locations, it did not disappoint. We came home with a bounty of fresh fruits and veggies to fill our fridge .

I love longer stays as we have tied down the awning, brought out lights, Christmas Decorations and our other favorite homey treasures. We have made lists of some new accessories for our home so shopping online will be the task of the month. I even have a mailbox key with a real address and a recycling bin! And so happy am I to be here I think I may sneak a peek at some properties available here for future reference (wink)…


  1. Enjoy your time there, the heat, the beach and all settled in for Christmas.

  2. Wow Sharon it really does sound fabulous! Maybe they will give you a deal on a winter lot in exchange for the great publicity. I know what you mean about feeling as though you have "come home" to certain places that are just in your heart!

  3. wow. . .guess I better add this place to my list. . .thanks! :D

  4. I think your wonderful place is about to get crowded! I've already added it to our list also!

  5. We all say we are looking for the next place to settle. Maybe you have a number one on your list.

  6. Sounds fabulous! Can't wait to visit Florida. Your beach looks warmer than mine!

  7. Glad you are happy to be back in Florida- we sure are :)

  8. Hi, I was just in Marco Island (your neighbor) on Friday and Saturday. Were those the most beautiful sunsets ever or what? Enjoy your time in Florida. I am a native Floridian, currently living on the East side, but Bonita Springs is one of my favorite places to visit.

  9. My mom's favorite place was Bonita Springs. She spent many winters there in her motorhome and would tell me about it. We like it there also very much. Tried to get a reservation at Bonita Lakes again but they were full. Didn't know about your park--maybe next year. Glad you are so happy.

  10. Love the warm weather. Not sure if it was going to be that way in Florida after seeing the weather a few weeks ago but looks like it has warmed up nicely. Certainly warmer there than here in southern California!

  11. Glad you are enjoying your stay. Looks like a beautiful area.

  12. We have a condo up near Palm Harbor, west of Tampa. We find the winters to be very, very nice. The summers, however, are not to my liking what-so-ever. The very high humidity along with the heat is hard on me, although Marcia seems to be ok with it. But the winters are to die for...and we will be back home next month for four months before we head out again. --Dave (Marcia and Bubba and Skruffy)
