Saturday, January 7, 2023

Running From the Cold, Tombstone and Benson AZ…


Time to move on westward and our next stop is at Dwayne's Mountain View RV Park in Bowie, AZ.A long 160 plus mile drive into Arizona as the chilly weather keeps us moving. Since we are a bit higher in elevation we don’t plan to stay but one night here.


The next morning we got up to seeing snow on the mountain tops near the park verifying why we shouldn’t stay longer here. We packed up and moved a bit further west to San Pedro Resort Community in the town of Benson, AZ. Lower in elevation we will stay here a few days which will give us time to visit some nearby friends.


There isn’t a lot going on in Benson but the park we are staying at on the outskirts of town at least has some trails leading from the park taking us out into the desert so we were able to do a little birdwatching. Not a lot to see but a nice little hike near the park is never a bad option. Besides if this town was good enough for Pancho Villa it is good enough for us!


We have friends we met at Betty’s RV Park in Louisiana that are staying just south of us so we decided that we would meet up at a brewery in Tombstone AZ. Since we were going ther anyhow we decided to go early and reacquaint ourselves with Tombstone.


Tombstone is quite the touristy town but it does have some historical interest. Even though the towns people have chosen to monetize the town it still has a western flair to it and is worth a visit if you have never been to it. We walked around the town and took in the local sights as well as taking a few photos of the rustic town.



Finally it was happy hour and we met Dan and Merlene for a few cold ones at the Tombstone Brewery. It was such fun reconnecting with old friends we haven’t seen in some time. After several hours of fun conversation we parted ways and headed back to Benson. We have made so many good friends at Betty’s RV Park and always look forward to reconnecting.


One last day in Benson, so we decided to simply walk around town since the weather was dicey. We had hoped to make a trip down to  a neat little town we like south of her called Bisbee. However, since it was a good ways away and with the weather we simply stayed put.


Staying in Benson our last day allowed us to explore the murals of Benson. While Benson is a small town it does have some interesting murals that were commissioned by the town. The artist who did them was quit talented and we enjoyed taking in the stories he tried to portray in his art.
