Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Music on the Patio in Mesa AZ…


One of the best things about staying at these Cal-Am parks for the winter in Arizona is that we are allowed to go to other parks as a guests. Why we like this policy is that we love that each park has live music 5 or 6 days a week.


As a result Sharon and I can attend whichever band we enjoy the most. Our strategy is simple because of timing when figuring out which one to attend. The strategy works because most days the music at Mesa Regal Resort is from 3-5 pm, at Towerpoint Resort music is from 3-6 pm and at Sun Life resort music is at 3-6 pm or 4-7pm depending on the day of the week.


Since we are staying at Towerpoint we can walk over to either of the other parks.from ours in about ten minutes. Whenever we don’t know anything about any of the bands playing we walk over to Mesa Regal at 2 pm and listen to their band for 30 minutes. If we don’t like them we walk back to our park and listen to the band which starts at 3 pm. Again if we don’t like them we can go over to Sun Life and listen to their band.


Over time we have compiled a list of the bands we really like and those that we don’t care much for. We have been here almost a month so our list is getting long however, they don’t overlap bands a lot between the parks We do expect that over time we will have heard nearly all the bands who play these parks.


Best of all we can go listen to the music outside no matter how cold it gets. Why? Because these parks all have these fabulous outdoor heaters that make you warm n matter how low the temperatures go.


As for now we have been enjoying music on the patio at one resort or the other six nights a week. If there are no bands we like playing on one of the nights we usually will choose to go to downtown Gilbert and enjoy happy hour at one of the many establishments in the town.


While I tend to prefer mostly listening to the bands Sharon will often hit the dance floor. She has no problem dancing by herself and as often happens at these parks several other people will join her. These dance groups can often become large groups and as a result Sharon has made lots of fellow dancing friends at the various parks.


Obviously our days do not completely revolve around the music as we are also occupied going to the gym, playing cornhole, putt putt golf or pickleball. I have also been busy doing lots of minor/major repairs around the RV. With my list of repairs slowly dwindling down it will allow us “more time to have too much fun” as our friend and fellow blogger Barney often says…


  1. Altho I enjoy the music, I'm not much for dancing. But always enjoy your posts, travels and projects.

    1. Sharon dances and I just sit and listen to it.

  2. Cal-Am management has made quite a commitment to live music. Happy to see you taking full advantage of the offerings. As an early to bed, early to rise person, I like the fact that the music is scheduled early enough in the day to enjoy it.
