Just so you know these bags were sent to me as a promotion with the request that I review them. I have been offered a lot of RV related “stuff” over the years and have turned down most of the items offered. However, these bags intrigued me as I saw a need for them in our everyday life and willingly accepted their generous offer of trying out their bags.
Like us, one thing which befuddles many an RV’er is how to organize items. One place I never spent much time organizing was our wet bay. I did, however, think it would be nice to have some type of bag, box or other device to use in order to better organize and store the items in our wet bay.
Well, to our rescue were these premium RV hose bags made by Humanfriendly. The bags are made using a polyurethane material and can be secured using a drawstring. They also have convenient grab handle making things easier to move about.
What makes these bags stand out is that they are waterproof! This means when we are storing our hose and if we still have some water in it then the water will remain in the bag and not in our wet bay floor. Being waterproof is nice but the bags are also vented since the top half of the bag is made from a breathable mesh.
The bags sizes are nice in that we a can fully store our hoses up to 100 feet in length in the bags labeled hoses. We can store our Slinkys in the another bag. Each bag is labeled with unique rubber tag making it easy to find the bag we are looking for. No longer will our hoses and extra slinkly be in an unsightly mess in one of the bins.
Also these bags carry a one year warranty so if a bag doesn’t hold up they will replace it free of charge! We found them to be well made, the right size to hold 50’ zero gravity hoses, cords and more. They also help keep the back clean from sand and dirt. I’m glad to have them. Plus I love the clever tags.
Now, when leaving a site I have a handy way to store all our wet bay items in these nifty little bags making our break down days a bit easier and neater. While the company didn’t send me a link for for their product I was able to find them on Amazon so if interested, check out their bags here.
NOTE: We are currently in Mesa, Arizona until November 1st…
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